Save Red Rock Urges Commissioners to Vote No! County Commission to Approve or Deny Gypsum Resources Request for Waivers and Major Development Plan Wednesday, Apr. 17, 2019

The ongoing 16-year battle to preserve the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area continues at the Clark County Commissioner’s meeting Wednesday, April 17, 2019, at 9 a.m. The Commissioners will hear and vote on whether to approve or deny Gypsum Resources’ (GR) application items and development plan for a mountain overlooking and surrounded by Red Rock Canyon on three sides. Save Red Rock will host a press conference at 8:30 a.m. before the meeting being held at the Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas.
Save Red Rock urges the public to attend the meeting wearing Red Rock red, sign the petition and send a letter to their Clark County Commissioner to preserve Red Rock Canyon. Donations to Save Red Rock are also encouraged.
GR is asking Commissioners to remove important conditions of protection of Red Rock Canyon, to go against local zoning laws, and to approve a major development plan to build thousands of houses and businesses on the mountain as mentioned above. In 2011, Clark County Commissioners ruled that GR could not apply for approval of the specific development plan until they had BLM approval. GR did not get approval but is instead asking Commissioners to change that requirement.
Bringing this issue back full circle to the initial Settlement Agreement has cost taxpayers’ untold dollars. According to the agreement, all access issues are subject to approval by governing entities. However, the County has been asked to vote without these necessary governing entity approvals, including:
1. No BLM approval of proposed primary access
2. No BLM approval of construction vehicles on 159 Mine Haul Road
3. No BLM approval of the resurfacing and realignment of 159 Mine Haul Road as proposed in the specific plan
4. No approval by BLM Fire Department and LV Metro Police Department of 159 Mine Haul Road as a secondary emergency access
Save Red Rock is encouraging commissioners to vote NO on waivers of conditions, and to vote to
1. Uphold Clark County Commission conditions of protection for Red Rock imposed in 2011
2. Uphold current zoning
3. Save taxpayer money by not processing a plan with no approved access
4. Represent voters’ 50,000+ signatures and thousands of emails[2]
5. DO NOT approve a plan to build thousands of residential and commercial buildings near Red Rock National Conservation Area.
A poll conducted by the Nevada Conservation League shows 85 percent of people are opposed to developments adjacent to Red Rock Canyon and would vote accordingly. Support for Red Rock Canyon is deep within the Las Vegas community, proven by Justin Jones’ successful run for Clark County Commissioner, where conserving Red Rock Canyon was a central pillar.
About Save Red Rock
Save Red Rock is a group of concerned citizens working to preserve the safety, serenity, and scenic nature of Red Rock Canyon. The group strives to protect the rural character and prioritize recreational and environmental needs over other uses not conducive to the primary uses as determined for the canyon area. For more information visit Connect with Save Red Rock on Facebook, Instagram and, Twitter.


Stephanie Forté is a storyteller, connector, and problem-solver inspired by the great outdoors and energized by the transformation of people, communities, and brands. She is a longtime advocate for public lands, outdoor recreation, and women’s health.

She spotlights people and organizations creating meaningful change in her writing and award-winning PR strategies. Stephanie also mines her life for stories, and her published essays have helped others navigate challenges and to feel less alone.

Stephanie Forte